Many #Bitcoin diehards disdain other digital tokens but some simply can't resist the yields offered by #Ethereum's #DeFi ecosyst

08 Jun 2021, 21:24
Many #Bitcoin diehards disdain other digital tokens but some simply can't resist the yields offered by #Ethereum’s #DeFi ecosystem🤑 $WBTC now represents 1% of the total $BTC supply, up 47x in the last year🚀 Read more from @OFernau 👇

Same news in other sources

09 Jun 2021, 03:10
RT @nanexcool: WBTC is the most popular Bitcoin in the world.
RT @nanexcool: WBTC is the most popular Bitcoin in the world.
09 Jun 2021, 02:12
WBTC is the most popular Bitcoin in the world.
WBTC is the most popular Bitcoin in the world.
09 Jun 2021, 01:17
*Wrapped Bitcoin
*Wrapped Bitcoin.
*Wrapped Bitcoin
08 Jun 2021, 22:54
RT @DefiantNews: Many #Bitcoin diehards disdain other digital tokens but some simply can't resist the yields offered by #Ethereum’s #DeFi e…
RT @DefiantNews: Many #Bitcoin diehards disdain other digital tokens but some simply can't resist the yields offered by #Ethereu
RT @DefiantNews: Many #Bitcoin diehards disdain other digital tokens but some simply can't resist the yields offered by #Ethereum’s #DeFi e…